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    Buzzing Mutual Benefits: The Vital Role of Bees in Medicine and novel Veterinary Medicinal Products to protect honeybees

    25 lipca 2024

    An August is a month, in which in Poland we celebrate the Great Bees Day. It is a suitable occasion to provoke us to think about how much we owe bees and what the world could look like without them. We can reveal and acknowledge that humans cannot survive without these tiny creatures. Fortunately, we […]

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    Woman smiling while applying sunscreen with UV filters to her face
    Sunny Solutions: Unmasking the UV Filters

    19 lipca 2024

    Sunlight has several beneficial effects in human, such as the production of vitamin D, and induction of β-endorphin expression, which improve well-being. However, excessive sunlight exposure is associated with photo-induced skin damage, namely solar sunburn, hyperpigmentation, photoaging, and the promotion of skin cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. The factor responsible for all […]

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    From Idea to Market: Navigating the Path of Medical Device Development

    17 maja 2024

    The medical device sector grows rapidly and, according to Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (hereinafter: MDR), covers a very wide group of products – from simple devices to high-technology machines using artificial intelligence. Regardless of the product complexity, MDR emphasises issues related to the quality, safety and performance of each medical device. Therefore, manufacturers face huge […]

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    Is an uncertain remedy better than none? Exploring the usage of off-label drugs and ensuring treatment in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women

    07 maja 2024

    A Latin sentence says: anceps remedium melius quam nullum – an uncertain medicine is better than none. Have you ever wondered why the use of drugs in some populations of patients (such as pregnant women or children) is especially encouraged to be reported? The answer to this question is straightforward – it is impossible to […]

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    Primum non nocere – a word about wise use of medicines and reporting adverse drug reactions

    28 marca 2024

    Since the prehistoric times people have used medications, primary in form of medicinal plants. Palaeolithic humans built on and expanded their knowledge on active substances present in herbal plants [1]. Just as knowledge about possible treatments has evolved over time, so has increased the awareness of drug safety and possible adverse drug reactions that might […]

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    Pharmaceutical quality agreement handshake: Hands exchanging a quality agreement, highlighting mutual consent and compliance with GMP standards
    How to divide responsibilities in a GMP-related contract? A quality agreement is the answer

    18 marca 2024

    For any company operating in the pharmaceutical sector and involved in manufacturing and/ or importing human and veterinary medicines, the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is the closest thing to a holy book in the industry. It ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards, minimizing the risks involved in any pharmaceutical […]

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    Women Participation in Clinical Trials – Conflict, Controversy and Change.

    06 marca 2024

    Routinely, drug development studies are conducted using animals and in clinical trials with the participation of human beings. Both of them include two subgroups: the male and female. It is known that there are many differences between the two entities in several aspects including genes, hormones, anatomy, physiology, the interactions between the genes and the […]

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    A Brief History of the GMP

    20 lutego 2024

    Nowadays in the pharmaceutical industry the rules of Good Manufacturing Practice are something obvious. Quality manufacturing systems and the safety of the medicines are a priority for drug product manufacturers. However, it should be stated that the beginnings of GMP were developed on a number of tragedies.   How the FDA pioneered the development of […]

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    The changing face of clinical trials. A long and fascinating journey to effective and safe medicines.

    05 stycznia 2024

    In the era of numerous civilization diseases and other threats to human life and health, patients worldwide expect new therapies which are both effective and safe. However, access to modern drugs would not be possible without clinical trials, which are a necessary element of the drug marketing authorization process. Clinical trials have been a part […]

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    QPPV – the key player in Pharmacovigilance

    25 października 2023

    QPPV – this mysterious abbreviation identifies the most crucial person involved in the whole process of monitoring of safety of drug products, that is pharmacovigilance. The Qualified Person Responsible for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) is responsible for the creation and management of the whole system ensuring the safe use of medicinal products both in humans and animals. […]

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    A white mouse is sitting on a cultural medium. Laboratory test tubes in the background.
    Replace, Reduce, Refine. Animal testing in drug development.

    16 października 2023

    In order to introduce a new medicine to the market, the applicant must demonstrate that the proposed product is safe and effective. This is done by presenting the set of quality, non-clinical and clinical data obtained during the developmental studies, which are then evaluated by regulatory authorities. The volume of the data required, impacting the […]

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    Post-covid syndrome
    From crisis to hope. Restoring mental wellness in a post-pandemic world

    09 października 2023

    The catalysts for deterioration: mental health puzzles The events of recent years have left a deep mark on our psyche. The safety measures taken to stop the pandemic in the years 2020-2021 have had a significant impact on our lives. Society had to confront lifestyle changes, uncertainty about the future, conflicts, domestic violence, and relationship […]

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